Yellowstone and Grand Teton pics

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In 1991, my family and I visited Yellowstone National Park. Here are some things we saw.

[Note: Unfortunately, I don't have the names of everything. My parents have that info with the original slides.]


Bison in a fire-damaged section of the park.

Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone

The waterfall and canyon.

Kathleen Long tells me this is ``Lower Falls (308 feet)''. Thanks Kathleen!

Further down river.


A little geyser between eruptions. (Width of bowl is about 8 feet.)

The gesyer erupts.

Mike O'Brien tells me the name is ``Echinus''. He says:

When it was first discovered, the rocks around it were covered with small spines due to minerals in the water splashed out of the crater. The spines reminded explorers of those on an echidna, hence the name.

Thanks, Mike!

More of the eruption.

A geyser cap.

Again, Kathleen Long tells me that this is ``Liberty Cap at Mammoth Hot Springs''. Thanks Kathleen!

[I'm glad I have all these people to tell me what everything is! :-) ]

Grotto Geyser.

Hot springs

A nice Houses of the Holy-type shot. :-)

An active (steaming-hot) hot spring. (It was winter.)

Another one. More fire damage.

A dormant hot spring. Cool patterns, huh?

Old Faithful

Old Faithful before eruption. (Width of dome is over 50 feet, I think.)

Old Faithful erupting.

Old Faithful from a distance.

Grand Teton mountains

The Grand Tetons.

Later in the day.

At dusk.

For more information about Yellowstone, see:

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Donald Lancon Jr [e-mail me]
Last modified: Wed, May 26, 1999