obkb - media - tv - commerc - kpp96 - 30-second KPP commercial [Feb 96] - kpp2obkb.com
kpp201.jpg - wide shot of Melissa at podium speaking to camera
kpp202.jpg - 'In 1988, kids voted for George Bush.' (zooming in)
kpp203.jpg - holds up picture of Bush (zoom cont's throughout spot)
kpp204.jpg - leans out from behind: '...He won the national election.'
kpp205.jpg - 'In 1992, kids voted for Bill Clinton.'
kpp206.jpg - holds up picture of Clinton
kpp207.jpg - out from behind pic: 'Two weeks later...'
kpp208.jpg - 'Clinton won the national election.'
kpp209.jpg - 'So it's true...'
kpp210.jpg - 'As the kids go, so goes the nation.'
kpp211.jpg - Melissa continues speaking
kpp212.jpg - as above
kpp213.jpg - 'And voice your choice...'
kpp214.jpg - '...on Nick.'
kpp215.jpg - out on Melissa smiling