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CEIA: ``Roadtrip'' (#143)

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-- Information --

Airing Info

Production Date: [?]
Jan 93
Broadcast Date: [?]
8 May 93
Running Time: [?]
12:32 + 11:28 = 24:00
AKA: [?]

Episode Content

Plot Synopsis: [?]
The Darlings try to beat the family vacation curse by skipping the usual visit to Lake Winnemucca and going instead to the Grand Canyon; everyone chips in to prepare for the trip, but trouble arises when their plans start conflicting.
Subplots: [?]
Ferguson is planning the route; Clarissa is planning the menu; Janet is planning the entertainment; Marshall is planning the accomodations; Sam, by the way, is writing a horror story.
Opening Scene: [?]
``Zen masters say that with the right mental attitude, you can transcend any physical experience. I'd like to see a Zen master spend the day in the backseat of the Darling family car!'' / Time again for the Darling family vacation.
Closing Line: [?]
``Aside from that, I'd say it was the perfect Darling vacation.''
Spoofs: [?]
untitled ``Swiss Family Robinson'' spoof
Other Cut-away Segments: [?]
Clarissa imagines the perfect vacation
Computer Stuff: [?]
Sam's Entrances: [?]
``Hi, Sam.'' ``Hey, Clarissa.''
Names for Ferguson: [?]
my own donkey (to Marshall)
Ferguson (to Janet)
sneaky rat
Ferguson, dear brother (in Swiss Family Robinson spoof)

Also: Sam, while talking to Clarissa, calls Ferguson, ``your brother, Old Faithful''.

Marshall's Designs: [?]
Janet's Work: [?]


Writer: [?]
Alan Goodman
Director: [?]
Liz Plonka
Guest Players: [?]
Opening Credits: [?]
Closing Credits: [?]

Other Info

Character Names: [?]
none, but an unnamed aunt of Sam's lives in an institution
Real-World References: [?]
Quotes: [?]
Lyrics and Poetry: [?]
Clothes: [?]
Food: [?]
..., mung bean chewies, ...
Pics: [?]

-- Opinions --

Favorite Lines: [?]
Favorite Scenes: [?]
Other good stuff: [?]
Weak Points and Mistakes: [?]

-- DYNs --



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Page content last modified: Sat, Aug 1, 1998